2023 Prediction — Demise of Misused Biometrics
Dr Vladas Leonas challenged me on the prediction #17 reading “The use of biometric authentication will become more widespread” https://www.linkedin.com/posts/dr-vladas-leonas-gaicd-facs-fieaust-16622b_23-cybersecurity-predictions-for-2023-activity-7015616996503425024-7NM7
My answer was -
Should it come true, we will see our already weak identity security further weakened as dissected in this short video — Biometrics in Cyber Space — “below-one” factor authentication https://youtu.be/wuhB5vxKYlg Criminals will be all delighted.
I would like, instead, to predict that 2023 will be the year that we will see the demise of the widespread misuse of biometrics authentication to the disappointment of global criminals.
Ref: “I support Biometrics as a Technology” https://www.linkedin.com/posts/hitoshikokumai_democracy-privacy-ethics-activity-6993771041974095872-2eOx
More on biometrics at “Biometrics Unravelled | password-dependent password-killer” https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/biometrics-unravelled-password-dependent-hitoshi-kokumai/
* We are not against biometrics as a technology, but against the falsely-alleged effectiveness.
Website — https://www.mnemonicidentitysolutions.com/
Digital identity blogs collected at https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/collection-digital-identity-comments-hitoshi-kokumai-posted-kokumai/