Blockchain could be relied upon only when it comes with solid identity assurance

Hitoshi Kokumai
2 min readApr 6, 2021


Blockchain is catching eyes of a number of defense people as reported in “America and its military need a blockchain strategy”

People who promote blockchain-applied technologies appear to be often forgetful of the fact that the most secure identity assurance is indispensable if they want to see the most secure applications of blockchain technologies.

Whoever acts quickly on this observations will have the big advantage over those who are indifferent to it. We contribute to this endeavor by providing hard-to-forget secret credentials for solid identity assurance and offering the on-the-fly generation of private keys from our episodic memory.

More is discussed here — “Account Recovery with Expanded Password System”

Key References

For Achieving Solid Digital Identity on Information Security Buzz (Mar/2021)

What We Know for Certain about Authentication Factors

Digital Identity for Global Citizens

Image-to-Code Conversion by Expanded Password System

Summary and Brief History — Expanded Password System

Proposition on How to Build Sustainable Digital Identity Platform

Additional References

Negative Security Effect of Biometrics Deployed in Cyberspace

Account Recovery with Expanded Password System

External Body Features Viewed as ‘What We Are’

History, Current Status and Future Scenarios of Expanded Password System

Negative Security Effect of Biometrics Deployed in Cyberspace

Removal of Passwords and Its Security Effect

Availability-First Approach

Update: Questions and Answers — Expanded Password System and Related Issues

< Videos on YouTube>

Slide: Outline of Expanded Password System (3minutes 2seconds)

Digital Identity for Global Citizens (10minutes — narrated)

Demo: Simplified Operation on Smartphone for consumers (1m41s)

Demo: High-Security Operation on PC for managers (4m28s)

Demo: Simple capture and registration of pictures by users (1m26s)

Slide: Biometrics in Cyber Space — “below-one” factor authentication



Hitoshi Kokumai

Advocate of ‘Identity Assurance by Our Own Volition and Memory’, Inventor of Expanded Password System and Founder of Mnemonic Identity Solutions Limited in UK.