Digital Dystopia
“One day you suddenly find that you had e-voted for someone you were against. You do not remember having taken such actions”. Then you are living the life of a digital dystopia.
The threats could be just a click away. You would only need to click ‘Agree’ to the identity authentication procedure from which the password, i.e., your secret credential to be fed by your volition, has been removed or during which the password can be skipped.
Your identity is easily established while you are asleep, drunken or otherwise unconscious. Or while you are unable to move for whatever reason. The digital dystopia would be the place where it is waste of time to talk the value of Privacy.
It could be an uphill battle for you to take back the means to make your volition known to the system; you had already given the consent to the authentication procedure that does not require your volitional confirmation.
Ref: “Two Ways of Damaging Cyberdefence from Within”
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