Hate to Spend Another Few Minutes for Safer Login ?
10,000 organisations targeted by phishing attack that bypasses multi-factor authentication
This report refers to “phishing attack that bypasses multi-factor authentication”.
Should you be willing to take the big trouble of spending or having your staff spend another minute or two at each login for better protection of important accounts against persistent sophisticated phishing attacks, you might be interested to have a glance at these comments -
“Pictorial Presentation of Phishing Detection by Episodic Image Memory” https://www.linkedin.com/posts/hitoshikokumai_detection-of-phishing-by-episodic-image-memory-activity-6769523111428796416-CifR
“2-Factor Authentication vs Phishing” https://www.linkedin.com/posts/hitoshikokumai_identity-authentication-password-activity-6768716916887576576-M8vf
“No Password, No Phishing” https://www.bebee.com/producer/@hitoshi-kokumai/no-password-no-phishing
As for the power of citizens’ non-volatile episodic memory that enables our propositions, please refer to “Power of Citizens’ Episodic Memory” https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/power-citizens-episodic-memory-hitoshi-kokumai/
Digital identity blogs collected at https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/collection-digital-identity-comments-hitoshi-kokumai-posted-kokumai/