Identity and Artificial Intelligence
It is getting obvious that the issues of digital identity is inseparable from the issues of artificial intelligence.
By a suggestion of aiTech Trend, NY-based web media covering the issues of artificial intelligence, I put together my recent writings on artificial intelligence and had it published at
Discussed are -
- Prepare against Perils of Vicious Artificial Intelligence
- AI Program with No Identity
- Marriage of Artificial Intelligence and Doublethink
- What if Doublethink gets blown into Identity-less Humanoid?
- Artificial Intelligence as Nemesis of Biometrics
- Digital Identity Racing with Artificial Intelligence
- Modest AI Developers Wanted
- Defense Line against Privacy Risk Resides in Citizen’s Brain Unnoticed
Conclusion — What makes humans’ identity can make a defense against the perils of Identity-less Artificial Intelligence. What can contribute to the solid digital identity platform can also contribute to the solid defense line against the perils of vicious artificial intelligence. It’s citizens’ memory of their personal experiences. It’s our episodic memory
Ref: Collection of Digital Identity Comments Hitoshi Kokumai Posted since January 2022