Keep Defense Line Protected against Threats from Within
FBI and MI5 bosses: China cheats and steals at massive scale
“Solid identity assurance is essential for cyber defense of democratic nations against the threats of anti-democracy regimes”; I am certain you are all agreeable.
“It’s not very wise to watch the defense line for the identity assurance being threatened from within and stay inactive about it”; I believe you are also agreeable.
This issue is closely discussed in this collection of digital identity comments — “LOSS of Security Taken for GAIN of Security”
We advocate that we can make use of our episodic image memory for truly solid identity assurance, but
“Such a trifle act of LOGIN must be as simple and easy as possible.” What would you say if your staff utter such words?
I would reply “I won’t disagree. We should opt to see our adversaries take over our accounts rather than taking such a huge trouble of locating and clicking several images for such a trivial act of login even where the data to protect is for national defense “.
Digital identity blogs collected at