Latest News on Follow-Up with ENISA
Below is the message we sent to ENISA ( The European Union Agency for Cybersecurity) a few days ago.
You might well have noticed that security professionals are divided in three groups on this issue (the threat from ‘passwordless’ schemes);
(A) those who expressly speak up about the peril of ‘passwordless’ schemes to security and democracy
(B) those who have committed to the passwordless authentication schemes, with many of them apparently trapped in a cognitive pitfall as described here — “Cognitive Pitfall over Password Removal”
With the support of big players like GAFAM, they look massive and sound mighty, for now, although they actually are fragile because they contradic ‘fact and logic’ as we stress here — “Graphene Ant Going to Fell Paper Elephant — Exciting Scenery of Digital Identity”
© those who try to escape showing the flag. I am certain that most of them are well aware that Group (B) are wrongly misguided, but they are hesitant to say so, perhaps in fear of the possible revenge from the likes of powerful GAFAM who are supportive to the Group (B).
I assume that ENISA wishes to be very careful before taking any action on this issue in view of your huge influence over the whole cybersecurity world. It will certainly be something for you to declare that GAFAM, knowingly or unknowingly, has been misguiding the public and spreading a false sense of security.
I do not urge your experts to act quickly but expect them to make an objective and thorough investigation without any bias and prejudice.
I would like to believe that our voice will be correctly heard.
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