Negative Security Effect of Biometrics Deployed in Cyberspace
The agenda discussed in this article are
- A default/fallback password is the password, isn’t it?
- Convenience is doubled-edged
- Spoofing and Liveness-Detection
- Is the password weaker than biometrics?
- Is biometrics-only authentication achievable?
-What can we gain from bringing in biometrics into multi-factor authentication?
- Intermezzo: Entertaining Security Parodies
- Haven’t the biometrics promoters built a huge sandcastle?
- This false sense of security has been benefiting criminals, hasn’t it?
- This false sense of security has only been benefiting criminals, hasn’t it?
- Hey, Biometrics Guys! Get Provoked!
Conclusion: The password is insufficient, but not harmful. Biometrics is harmful, and not sufficient. Attempting to make quick money by spreading a false sense of security is ethically dubious and practically suicidal.
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