Password-Related Issue Beyond Our Scope

Hitoshi Kokumai
2 min readJun 6, 2022


“Netflix’s plan to charge people for sharing passwords is already a mess before it’s even begun, report suggests”

A friend invited me to comment on this article in which ‘Password’ is mentioned. My answer was that we are not in a position to solve this kind of conflicts between different groups with different interests and greed, which I believe should be sorted out by arbitrator organisations, governmental bodies or by courts.

This type of problem is beyond our scope by its nature. I would like to take this opportunity to make clear that what we can contribute in cyberspace with respect to the login credentials is to help citizens defend their digital identity against adversaries and criminals.

Ref: “What Else Can We Do about This Trilemma?”

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Hitoshi Kokumai

Advocate of ‘Identity Assurance by Our Own Volition and Memory’, Inventor of Expanded Password System and Founder of Mnemonic Identity Solutions Limited in UK.