Some More Topics on Digital Identity #3

Hitoshi Kokumai
2 min readNov 11, 2022


“Impact of AI and Quantum-Computing on Asymmetric Cryptography” is today’s topic.

In its publication in autumn 2021 USA’s NSA said “We ‘don’t know when or even if’ a quantum computer will ever be able to break today’s public-key encryption”

In view of that observation, in an article “Quantum Computing and Password Authentication”(*1) I wrote

“Let us assume, however, that quantum computing has suddenly made a quantum leap and becomes able to break today’s public key schemes. Would we have to despair?

We do not need to panic. Bad guys, who have a quantum computer at hand, would still have to break the part of user authentication, that is NOT dependent on the public-key scheme, prior to accessing the target data, in the normal environment where secret credentials, that is, remembered passwords, play a big role.”

My article , published in early October 2021, became the ‘most trending’ at NY-based aiTech Trend in February 2022 and still retains that status (*2).

This phenomenon probably tells much on how concerned artificial intelligence people are about the issue of passwords and identity assurance with respect to the uncontrolled progress of AI and Quantum Computing.




As an appendix to the series of ‘Identity Assurance by Citizens’ Non-Volatile Autobiographic Memory #1 — #19’, I am discussing some more topics on digital identity. It may well tell much more about the very broad scope of our activity


*P26 of “Fend Off Cybercrime with Episodic Memory”




Hitoshi Kokumai

Advocate of ‘Identity Assurance by Our Own Volition and Memory’, Inventor of Expanded Password System and Founder of Mnemonic Identity Solutions Limited in UK.