Some More Topics on Digital Identity #9
Surprisingly many people are promoting, selling and adopting biometrics as a tool of identity authentication without the basic knowledge of the very technology.
Get graphs to talk the nature of biometrics
- By nature, whether static or behavioural, all the biometrics technologies are ‘probabilistic’ since it measures unpredictably variable body features of living animals in ever changing environments.
- False Acceptance and False Rejection are not the variables that are independent from each other, but are dependent on each other.
- The lower a False Acceptance Rate is, the higher the corresponding False Rejection Rate is. The lower a False Rejection Rate, the higher the corresponding False Acceptance Rate.
- When a False Acceptance Rate is close to Zero, the corresponding False Rejection Rate is close to One (100%). When a False Rejection Rate is close to Zero, the corresponding False Acceptance Rate is close to One (100%).
- The presence of False Rejection, however close to Zero, would require a fallback means against the False Rejection unless the user can forget the availability.
Ref: “I support Biometrics as a Technology”
As an appendix to the series of ‘Identity Assurance by Citizens’ Non-Volatile Autobiographic Memory #1 — #19’, I am discussing some more topics on digital identity. It may well tell much more about the very broad scope of our activity
*P34 of “Fend Off Cybercrime with Episodic Memory”