“Trust is NOT an option” is NOT our Option
The New Cybersecurity Motto: Trust is Not an Option
I owe this article to John J. McLaughlin’s Newsletter — https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/storage-security-cxo-events-ai-bi-hr-email-ddn-news-red-mclaughlin/
“What should not be an option” is” trusting something simply because it comes from big names”.
In cybersecurity, we would go astray as soon as we lose the trust in LOGIC. Trust in logic should always be our option even when the logic sounds very unpleasant to us.
Here is my article published 3 years ago on the theme of logic to trust in and follow — “Follow Logic, Not Uncertain Reputation” https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/follow-logic-uncertain-reputation-hitoshi-kokumai
Website — https://www.mnemonicidentitysolutions.com/
Digital identity blogs collected at https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/collection-digital-identity-comments-hitoshi-kokumai-posted-kokumai/